Monday, January 21, 2019

I am ugly- cried a woman to shaikh complaining about her unattractive features

My dear sister who complain thinking she is not pretty :
How can you think that you are ugly while you were created by the best of creators? Our creator who himself said to you that he created you in the best shape! Why would care what people say while the lord of these people said that you are beautiful!?
My dear sister, the beauty is the beauty of the soul! What will return to Allah is your soul My sister! Focus on your soul because your eternal soul is trapped inside a temporary body that will be nothing but food for worms....
You want the beauty you imagine? You will have it in jannah My dear sister! Even if you were drop dead gorgeous you will still be just another name on the list of the Angel of death and you will still die and be in your grave only you and your deeds! Will this beauty you cry for save you in your grave? Will your looks help you when you will be questioned by Munkar WA nakir? Wallahi beauty will be your last concern once you will see the angel of death and feel the agonies of death! Trust me once you will stand before Allah only one thing will matter to you: saving your self from hellfire! *
My sister, beauty will fade but what will remain eternally is the beauty of the soul and as a reward for your patience in this dunya, Allah will make you a stunning gorgeous beauty that If a man from dunya were to see you he would die from what his eyes see! You will be young and gorgeous forever and old age will never reach you 😊 so focus on your soul and do not let society standard beauty define you! You are unique and we're created unique and you will always be the protagonist of your own story and not a second character or a copy in the story of someone else... 🙏

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