Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Adjusting isn't the solution

Put a frog into a vessel filled with water and start heating the water. As the temperature of the water begins to rise, the frog adjust its body temperature accordingly. The frog keeps adjusting its body temperature with the increasing temperature of the water. Just when the water is about to reach boiling point, the frog cannot adjust anymore. At this point the frog decides to jump out. The frog tries to jump but it is unable to do so because it has lost all its strength in adjusting with the rising water temperature. Very soon the frog dies.

What killed the frog?

Think about it!

I know many of us will say the boiling water. But the truth about what killed the frog was its own inability to decide when to jump out.

We all need to adjust with people & situations, but we need to be sure when we need to adjust & when we need to move on. There are times when we need to face the situation and take appropriate actions.
If we allow people to exploit us physically, emotionally, financially, spiritually or mentally they will continue to do so.

Let us decide when to jump!

Let's jump while we still have the strength.

Copied from the Wall of Brother Bazlul Basid Choudhury

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Maa ka dua

मूसा अलयहीस्सलाम ने एक दिन अल्लाह की बारगाह में अर्ज किया  के ऐ मेरे रब मेरे साथ जन्नत में कौन होगा?
इरशाद हुआ के 
एक कस्साब तुम्हारे साथ जन्नत में होगा 
हज़रत मूसा अलयहीस्सलाम कुछ हैरान हुए और उस कस्साब की तलाश में निकल पड़े 
और एक जगह पर गोश्त  की दूकान पर कस्साब को गोश्त बेचते हुए मसरूफ देखा  
शाम को अपना कारोबार खत्म करके कस्साब ने एक गोश्त का टुकड़ा एक कपडे में लपेटा और घर की तरफ रवाना हो गया
हज़रत मूसा अलयहीस्सलाम ने कस्साब से उसके  घर मेहमान बन जाने की इजाजत मांगी 
घर पहुचकर कस्साब ने गोश्त पकाया और रोटी बनाई
और रोटी के टुकड़े किये और गोश्त के शोरबे में नरम किये 
और दूसरे कमरे में चला गया 
उस कमरे में एक बूढ़ी औरत लेटी थी 
कस्साब ने उसे धीरे से उठाया और प्यार से खाना  खिलाया और फिर लेटा दिया 
फिर उस बूढ़ी औरत ने कस्साब के कान में कुछ कहा जिस से कस्साब मुस्कुराया
और अपने कमरे में चला आया 
ये सब माजरा मूसा अलयहीस्सलाम देख रहे थे 
आपने कस्साब से पूछा के वो कौन हे और तुम्हारे कान में ऐसा क्या कहा जिस से तुम मुस्कुरा उठे ?
कस्साब ने कहा के ऐ अजनबी वो मेरी माँ हे और में घर आकर सब से पहले उसे खाना खिलाता हूँ और इसका काम करता हूँ 
तो खुश होकर मुझे दुआ देती हे पर आज तो उसने दुआ की इन्तहा ही कर दी के
अल्लाह तुझे जन्नत में मूसा  के साथ रखे बस इसी बात पर  में हँस गया के 
में गुनाहगार  कहाँ  और अल्लाह के नबी हज़रत मूसा अलयहीस्सलाम कहाँ ।

क़ुर्बान माँ की दुआओ के 
माँ की दुआ वो दस्तक हे  जो जन्नत के दरवाजे खोल देती हे 
तो जो मेरा भाई मेरी ये पोस्ट पढ़ रहा हे उनसे गुज़ारिश हे के अपनी माँ से अभी सलाम करे और उनकी सलामती के लिए रब से दुआ करे आमीन.



Father: Show me your result?
Son: Ok Father
Father: oh! You got 2 backlogs..
Son: so what father? No big deal..
Father: Really? 
Son: Even you had failed during ur degree🤪
Father: You are not ashamed of your failure, and your digging my past. One should learn from the past failure, instead should not repeat same mistake.
Son: Please don't explain this, first you tell me y u have failed? Who is accountable and questionable for that .??
Father: son you will never see success in your life if this your explanation.
Son: Whatever..!! First I need answers from u

Bhakts, media don't want GOVT to blame.
Bhakts what happened to army since 1947?
Bhakts PM Modi is not accountable.
Bhakts Modi is god & god don't do to mistakes.
Bhakts Army has failed due to Nehru, RG.
Bhakts are best in digging past and never learn from failure. If Nehru, Indira, RG did mistakes y Modi cannot do mistake???
Bhakts never learn from past failures. 

Shame on everyone who never learn from there failures .

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Suicide is haraam in Islam

A reminder for those who are having suicidal thoughts: Suicide is not a solution to your problems. Pray and make Dua, Allah will always make a way for you even when there seems to be no way ❤️
And do Share/tag friends, family and anyone that can benefit. This would be Sadqa e Jaria for you and me.
And remind for verily a reminder benefits the believer Qur'an [51:55]

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Mirror is more important

🌊  স্কুটাৰ মেকানিক :বাইদেউ, স্কুটীখনৰ ইঞ্জিনৰ সমস্যা আছে, 
ব্ৰেক ডালেও ঠিকমতে কাম কৰা নাই ...

👸  সুন্দৰী :
এইবোৰ সৰু সুৰা খেলিমেলি থাকেই ...
তুমি মাত্ৰ Mirrorখন  ঠিক কৰি দিয়া। 

Friday, June 12, 2020


How true is this? SubhanAllah!
May Allah bless all our sisters single or divorced or widowed with amazing pious husbands - Ameen ya rabbulalameen

The Prophet (SalalahuAlahiwassalm) asked: "Shall I not guide you to the most excellent sadaqah? It is to provide for your daughter when she is sent back to you and has no one but you to provide for her." [Tirmidhi]

This is a beatiful hadith regarding the value of honourably caring and providing for your divorced daughter. Only someone who has gone through the pain of having a 
daughter be divorced, or who is herself a 
divorce, can truly appreciate Allah's words regarding this provision as the most excellent sadaqah. The last thing a woman wants is to become dependent again on aging parents. This hadith lessens her guilt and provides incentive to parents to respectfully and lovingly take care of her, without complaining or treating her as a burden.. If You like this post, don't forget to share with those to whom you love, In sha Allah they and you both will be rewarded. .

Tag your friends and family and anyone else who can benefit. • .

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: "The one who guides to something good has a reward similar to that one doing it." [Muslim] .

The Prophet(SAW) said: Convey (knowledge) from me even if it is just one ayah [Bukhari 3461]. .
Feel free to | TAG | SHARE | REPOST |. May Allah have mercy on all of us. May Allah help each and every Muslim suffering across the
world. Aameen.
And remind for verily a reminder benefits the believer Qur'an [51:55].❤ Cr: @islamicreminderf7

The Common Question That Makes Allah Upset

People come to the church and say: "Why did God do this to me?" This is a common thing. And unfortunately, it's now starting to happen with Muslims. "Why Allah is doing this to me?" A brother whose mother passed away (may Allah enter her into Paradise) came to the mosque distraught apparently and he said: "Why Allah is doing this to me? What's my fault in all this?" When somebody gets sick, they say: "Why is Allah mad at me? Why is this happening to me?" First of all, understand some very basic things: When Allah says His name in chapter Al-Fatihah, Alhamdulillah, the very next thing He told us about Himself is not Al-Khaliq, is not Al-Malik, is not Ar-Rahman or Ar-Rahim, He told us Rabb al Alameen, the thing with Lordship, Ownership, complete rights over someone…

Accept that Allah is not just the creator, He is your Lord and you have no rights before Him… My computer stops working, do I have the right to break it, to step on it, to throw it away? Is it going to file complaint against me? No! it's mine…

Now, Allah has not only created us, but owns us entirely. Did I pay for my hands or eyes? Did I decide what gender am I going to be? Or did I decide how old I'm going to be, or my ethnicity, or who's my father and mother are going to be?


Allah is the one who gave it to me. I didn't pay Him anything for it; it's all been given to me.

This idea of 'God owning me somehow' is very Christian concept. Allah owes us nothing because He is Rabb, He gives us anyway.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Always Embrace changes

Two stories to begin with:
1. Nokia refused Android
2. Yahoo refused Google

1. Take risks.
2. Embrace changes.
3. If you refuse to change with time, you might perish.

Two more stories:
1. Facebook takes over whatsapp and instagram.
2. Grab takes over Uber

1. Become so powerful that your competitors become your allies.
2. Reach the top position and then eliminate the competition.
3. Keep innovating.

Two More stories:
1. Colonel sanders founded KFC at the age of 65.
2. Jack Ma, who couldn't get job in KFC, founded Alibaba.

1. Age is just a number
2. Only those who keep trying succeeds

Last but not the least:
1. Lamborghini was founded as result of revenge of a tractor owner who was insulted by Enzo Ferrari, the founder of Ferrari

1. Never underestimate anyone, ever!!
2. Success is the best revenge.

Never give up