Tahir Alom


I say i don't know to everything when I'm in a bad mood.... connect me
Caseway, Colaba , Mumbai
Joined October 2011

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  1. ye laughing clr wale dil ki baat bata deteee......
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  5. Retweeted
    Maybe you should try saying it out loud inside your own head before you go opening your pie hole about it...
  6. Retweeted
    I need my ass kicked to realign my Chi.
  7. Retweeted
    can we just skip to the part where you're not there for me?
  8. Retweeted
    Ironically, the person you'd take a bullet for sometimes ends up being the one behind the gun.
  9. Retweeted
    God > My fears God > My insecurities God > My worry God > My everything
  10. Tahir Alom followed , , and
    • @ttrinadasgupta
      I write because I keep searching my lost soul in the strings of words I weave. Have a far-fetched dream of making sense.
    • @Annekinns
      Heyyyyy, they're all just jokes!! Here, hold my beer while I retweet. My crap is at the link. An American girl.
  11. Retweeted
    Can you be anyone else But yourself today, please? Thanks..
  12. Retweeted
    Pretending not to care.....Is the habbit of sm1 who generally cares the most.....It is known as "emotional defence mechanism"...
  13. Retweeted
    Some nights you lay in the dark, as clueless as a blank page.
  14. Retweeted
    Snapchat was originally marketed as an app to send nude pictures called Picaboo.
  15. Retweeted
    i hate that feeling when you’re not necessarily sad, but you just feel really empty.
  16. Retweeted
    Paying for college and not going to class is like paying for a hotel and sleeping on a bench.
  17. Retweeted
    Does intonation count when I say "Fuck You".
  18. Retweeted
    Sexuality, like spirituality is much misunderstood.
  19. Retweeted
    Stay with God Forever.
  20. Retweeted
    "Dhoom" is not a film series. . . . Its a Mahatma gandhi rojgaar garanti yojna for "Uday Chopra".
    Translated from Hindi by

  21. Retweeted
    Only explain in front of ALLAH, instead in front of people .....Don't do it....
  22. Retweeted
    I basically assume that people don’t like me unless they tell me otherwise.
  23. Retweeted
    Giving each other Red hearts are passe. How about spanked for long red hot booty?
  24. Retweeted
    Love diminishes, slowly gets lost into oblivion. Pain is everlasting. Let's develop our relationship on Pain. Let's try BDSM.
  25. Retweeted
    No need of any tantrik, Democracy is enough to save Bihar and its people: PM Modi in Nalanda
  26. Retweeted
    NASA has found Water on Mars, . . But I couldn't even find my Girlfriend on Earth.
  27. Retweeted
    You are the worst kind of magic spell. I can't come out of you anymore.
  28. Retweeted
    Everyone is made up of a sum of their parts. The bad parts don't count double. Stop acting like they do.
  29. Retweeted
    Dear Lord, I thank you for the GRACE of being alive today.
  30. Retweeted
    There is a moment in ur life,when yo miss someone so badly, yo just want to hug them tight n make them realize how much they mean to u.
  31. Retweeted
    As Salam Alaikum friends..... Have a good day.....N stay blessed.....
  32. Retweeted
    My favorite yoga move is downward facing pillow.
  33. Retweeted
    Fuckable is the new lovable.
  34. Retweeted
    If u are confident then u have everything....
  35. Retweeted
    Level of drunkenness - a turtle stuck on its back.
  36. Retweeted
    Manners are more interesting than beauty.
  37. Tahir Alom followed , and