Thursday, April 25, 2019

Tahir Alom

#tahir #alom #assam #indian 

Muslim on the judgments day

  • لام على نبينا محمد و على اله و صحبه أجمعين •
    My dear brothers and sisters ; we were blessed and chosen by Allah to be from this ummah/nation! The ummah of the one who was sent as a mercy to the world!! The one who is beloved to Allah 😭 you want to know how loved and precious you are to Allah? Look at how you will be treated on judgement day:

    The prophet pbuh said :"you are the last of the 70 nations that had walked earth however you are the most honorable of all of them in the eyes of Allah"🌹 Allahu Akbar!!

    On the day of judgement a caller will call :"where is prophet Muhammad and his nation?" Yes we will be called first as VIPs!😭 and the prophet pbuh said that all the 69 nations will split into two groups to make a path for us and we will walk between them full of light from everywhere from the effect of wudu (غرا محجلين من اثر الطهور (!!😍 and all the other nations will look at us stunned by us saying between themselves :"who are these people? It is almost as if they were a whole nation of prophets!!" Do you hear that oh muslims?😥 they will think it's a full nation of prophets!!!

    We will walk behind our beloved prophet like vips between the nations toward the court of Allah❤️ and it doesn't stop here! We will also be witnesses for the other prophets!!!😍 yes we will testify for them that they conveyed the message to their nations!

    Prophet Nuh. A.s will be called and Allah will say:"oh Nuh did you conveyed the message?" And Nuh will say :"yes oh Allah of course" and Allah will turn to the people of Nuh and say:"did he convey the message of islam to you?" And they will lie and say:"no! Oh Allah no warner came to us!"

    Allah will turn to Nuh a.s and say:"who can witness for you?that you conveyed the message?" And Allah knows he is saying the truth but it's for his nation who will have no argument against him after the witnesses! And Nuh a.s will say:"yes oh Allah! Muhammad and his nation are my witnesses"😭❤️ and his nation will fear and say:"they are the last nation! How can they witness for him?" And we will all read holy Quran and witness one by one 🌹see how important Allah made you? Allahu Akbar!!

Islam isn’t religious of our forefathers

All praise be to Allah! Assalamu Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. .
First of all I will share one of my personal life stories Few days ago l went to meet my paternal aunty and I came to find out along with few other villagers my aunt is also doing something which is not in Islam or you may say Bida'ah.
So I talked to few people there are tried to tell them not to do that.Then lasked my aunty why are you doing this ?? She said-Because all other villagers are also doing that. I told her never to do that again and tried to make her uncerstand it After the answer of my aunt l learned that many people are doing Bida'ah only because all other people around them doing so.
Blindly following people or community. But people are unaware that blindly following someone is Haram in Islam Many people even do Shirk in the name of Islam and they are followed by their young ones Let me ask you Did Ibrahim PBUH follow His father blindly or reasoned with him ?? Did Musa AS follow the Religion of his forefathers blindly or reasoned with them?
Did Issa AS follow the Religion of people around him or reasoned with them?? Did Muhammad PBUH follow the Religion of his forefathers and uncles blindly or told them HE PBUH will not leave the truth even if they give HIM PBUH sun in one hand and moon in another hand?? Whatever our fathers or forefathers may follow that doesn't mean we should follow them blindly! If your father do Shirk will you still follow him blindly??
Brothers and Sisters Islam is not the Religion that should be followed from fathers or forefathers.lts the Religion of truth.Even if our whole family is doing something which is not in Islam,we still have to stand to forbid them not to do so Some people do Shirk or Bidaah only because their fathers or forefathers or community have done it And if you ask them why areyou doing so they would say My forefathers used to do so and they can't be wrong .
Narrated Anas: The Prophet(said "None of you will have faith till he loves me more than his father, his children and all mankind." (Bukhari-15) Love means to follow the Sunnah of our Prophet Please don't follow people or community blindly Learn Islam not Bida ah or Shirk

Why a Muslim women can't marry a non-muslim man?

Why a Muslim women can't marry a non-muslim man?
First I need to precise that we Muslim trust in Allah and know that he is the best planner so I'm gonna write what it can be the reason for that but it can happen that it some topics only Allah knows the right answer ☺️
bismiAllah 🌸
1-in Islam the kids take the dad religion since they take his name also.
2-in Islam the husband is the spiritual leader of the family and every leader take and listen opinions and advices from others,the mum is helper and compagnone.
3-women tend to follow a man especially when they are in love,they would do everything to please him,so if the man isn't Muslim that can effect her religion also.
4-a man who isn't Muslim will not lead you to jannah,he will not tell you let's pray together,wear modest clothes outside or help you improving your Deen.
5-a non Muslim man will never give you your rights as a Muslim woman,since he don't have your same values and that can lead to open abuse.
6-how can a woman convince her husband that she must fast now or he must take a shower after intercourse and clean himself after toilet? .
7-a man is hard to convert and do dawah to,since they use logic more than emotions and if he decide to convert it's usually before marriage not after.
8-a man who isn't Muslim he is open to do everything,since he dont have values he can cheat you or have a Haram job and you can't do anything about it.
That's the reasons I thought of anyway a practicing sister in the Deen would never accept to marry a non Muslim man anyway cause it's already difficult to marry a Muslim man who don't practice good or follow different sect cause it create a lot of conflicts especially when you get kids.
A last point is that some scholars nowadays they say that even a man can't marry a women from the book since they don't practice and believe like before anymore,so this topic is a bit big to discuss but for sure a woman isn't allowed to marry a non Muslim .
We understand the reason or not doesn't matter but we have to accept it and Allah knows best

A heart touching story

Today is the most sad day in my life. As a Doctor, I have dealt with many Pregnant Women. and whenever I am in the labor room, I pray to God to protect and bless all mothers. The pain of a Woman in labor is intolerable and does not just involve carrying the child for nine months, but birth of a new life as well.
Today we cried bitterly, we lost a woman, we do not call God to speak such things but to God's wisdom in it, why put this woman in such circumstances?
She was deprived of childbearing for 14 years and we tried all treatments including injections and artificial insemination. Finally, God willing, she would carry all the laws of medicine and science, even though she had bags on her ovaries and a large tumor. When she was pregnant, this tumour began to melt and everything was fine. During the time of delivery, husband rushed to me and left all my work for the generation and stayed in labor for seven hours until we decided to cut the abdomen, she carried her child in her arms and smiled and then departed .. The mother died and the Child lived, her husband fainted at the news of her death.
How did this happy day turn into a tragedy?

Please respect the women because they are dying to bring you a new life that lasts for nine months and you suffer the pains of childbirth for hours and spend long nights in raising your children, it is the greatest sacrifice. 
If you do not talk to your mother or cross for any reason, please go and contact them now. Show your love for women and respect them. #respect


Thursday, April 11, 2019

Today I choose to we are hijab in support of our Muslim woman

Today I chose to wear a Hijab, in support of our muslim women💖🧕 I learnt a lot today.. .not even two hours into my day while wearing this I experienced verbal abuse, by someone who l have never seen before or doesn't know anything about me. I was greeted with "eah get that fucking shit of your head" was a bit of a shock, and hurt me a little but then Ithought about why l choseto wear this today, and the reason why was so much more important than what some random had to say about me.
I carried on with my day and then l experienced whispering. staring, judgemental looks etc etc, and again I reminded myself why I am doing this. I sat back and thought about what I had experienced this morning and it hurt me so bad! This is the sort of thing our Muslim women experience daily 😭by people who don't know them or anything about them 💔😭 it made me see just how strong they are. I absolutely admire them as people, and as a religion. They do not let what other people say or how they act towards them, get to them. They stay strong to their beliefs and wear what they wear with pride.
We then went to the Mosque this afternoon to pay our respects and support our community 💖it was beautiful! 🕌 So many people showed up in support, and it was bcautiful to scc how many non-muslim women wore hijabs.
Today was such a big life lesson for me, I feel so empowered by the strength, pride, kindness, humility and acceptance by our Muslim brothers and sisters! Although under stink circumstances im so glad I got to experience this with my babies. 💖
To teach them that no matter what skin colour, race, or religion you are, to be kind, ALWAYS To show my girls, what real strength is, and how to be respectful, and supporive in tirmes like this. Teaching therrm now, will establish how they will be in the future 😍

A shameful and heartbreaking story

This is Shameful , this is Heart Breaking.

Public awareness message #MustShare 

A young bride was killed by her husband on first night of her wedding in district Jacobabad and this sad story is getting viral. This important social issue has started debate on social media about marital life and we want to give doctors Point of View about this. 

For some reasons we are not sharing her name and family details as our purpose of this post is to educate people about this issue one set few guidelines. We all need to know few things to avoid confusion and misunderstanding about first wedding night. 

A female can loose hymen during sports, during riding, during jumps, and using tampons. 

Latest study says that Only 60 to 70 percent of the women bleed on wedding night 

And doctors guidelines suggest that Virginity is not specifically defined by bleeding on first night. And that should not be the criteria. 

This painful picture is from district jacobabad, where a 17 years old wife is being killed by her husband on the very first night of wedding because wife couldn't prove she was virgin. 

This is 21st century still third world countries are living in very poor conditions they become psycho that's why they want to kill anyone anytime. This innocent girl was not able to save herself because she was week and young compare to her husband who killed her. Feeling terrible about this girl. 

For this very important issue, we took help of the internet to see how this issue is been at different countries and what doctors say about this 

We got some help from UK website of NHS system. 
It says 

Young girls may not necessarily bleed on first night. Some can bleed and others can not. Both are perfectly normal. 

The hymen is a thin piece of skin that partially covers the entrance to the vagina. It usually breaks during sex, if it hasn't already broken before.

The hymen can break quite easily before a woman meets her wedding night. So activities such as horse riding , jumping and other sports or using tampons

A woman may not know her hymen has broken, because it doesn't always cause pain or noticeable bleeding.

Having a broken hymen doesn't necessarily mean a woman has lost her virginity. 

An other study suggests that there are so many cases reported in which they have intact hymen but which is very much soft and it does not bleed. So such virgin females shall not bleed on wedding night. 

And finally last thing, even if she was not virgin,  there is no question why she was to be killed, as was his husband virgin too? Are all men virgin who demand a virgin life partner. Please talk about this. Break this stereotype and taboo 

Compiled by Dr Mujeeb ur Rehman

The day you will say- I want to remain 1hr more


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم و الصلاة و السلام على من لا نبي بعده *
My dear brothers and sisters,today I wanted to talk about something to ponder upon! Something that we will all feel when we will meet the true reality... *
Today life in this world seem like long years and lot of time but trust me all of this is only an illusion! We get attached to this life thinking we have so much time and death is so far! We won't want to miss anything and use it as an excuse to sin but what we forget is that this life this moment Even this minute where im writing this reminder and you are reading is nothing but a short dream...
Yes! This life is only a dream...subhan Allah when we go to sleep and dream, in the morning that dream seemed too real when we think about it and it seemed so long when we were in it but when we woke up it seemed so short as if it lasted only few seconds! This is exactly how we will feel when our souls will get back to our bodies and we will wake up in our graves and open our eyes! And Allah describe to us this moment :
Holy Quran 10:45
وَيَوْمَ يَحْشُرُهُمْ كَأَن لَّمْ يَلْبَثُوا إِلَّا سَاعَةً مِّنَ النَّهَارِ يَتَعَارَفُونَ بَيْنَهُمْ ۚ قَدْ خَسِرَ الَّذِينَ كَذَّبُوا بِلِقَاءِ اللَّهِ وَمَا كَانُوا مُهْتَدِينَ

And on the Day when He will gather them, [it will be] as if they had not remained [in the world] but an hour of the day, [and] they will know each other. Those will have lost who denied the meeting with Allah and were not guided
Indeed, even the one who lived 2000 Years like our father Adam as will feel as if he remained only an hour in this world as if it was just a short dream! What about us whom our ummah especially in our time do not surpass 80 years!!? See how it will seem so stupid that we even gave importance to this short world? It is at that moment that guilt will fill us and regrets will eat us! *
What is forever compare to few years?? And what is eternity compared to AN HOUR?! Yes when we choose this world we exchange an eternity of joy for only an hour of enjoyrment! It's like giving for free an expensive diamond against a cheap stone!and this is what Allah want us to understand before its too late..

The first night in the grave

My dear brothers and sisters, each one of us will be in his grave sooner or later, so in order to remind ourselves of our purpose and wake up before the true reality hit us when we least expect,i want you to imagine with me the day we will all be alone in our grave...
You wake up and everything is dark around you! You can't see anything and fear overtake you... You try to move but you can't! You began to pannick not knowing where you are or what is happening to you! To add to your fear you hear footsteps of people leaving and you suddenly realise that indeed YOU DIED and you are in your GRAVE ALONE!! *
The grave squeeze you and that squeeze makes you forget every warm hug you had in your life!!
You scream to your family to not leave you here alone but no one can hear you! You feel so alone like never before! All these people around you that all your life you tried to please are now leaving you alone to face your fate! *
You don't know what will happen to you! Suddenly you see two scary creatures you never saw in your life before or even imagined they could exist! One is black and the other is blue! You know they are coming toward you and you want to scream for help but no one can save you! You think of how you were deluded by this life and you wish you could go back just to repair but it's too LATE! *
They come to you and your heart would have stopped millions times from fear if you were alive! They say to you in scary tone:"WHO IS YOUR LORD?WHAT IS YOUR RELIGION? WHO WAS THIS MAN SENT TO YOU? "
Are you ready for that? Did you live a righteous life that pleased Allah? Does this look of yours that you cared so much about matter now that you are 6 feets under? Do you have enough good deeds to save you? Does these sins you couldn't resist to commit in this life worth this scary situation now? *
Once a wise man said :"if you want to sleep peacefully in your grave, wake up in this dunya before its too late! "and If you fear public opinion and put people before Allah learn that :"YOU WERE born ALONE, you will DIE ALONE and be BURIED alone! And be JUDGED ALONE! " there is no one who will save you except ALLAH! Never forget that!