Wednesday, January 30, 2019

I know it’s hard (part -2)

Part 2:
Shaiytan existed thousands years before Adam as, he is on earth since the beginning, he saw each nation of humans and had the time to study humanity, he knows our weakness and how we function that is way he is more advanced in how to trick us but we have a strong weapon that makes him smaller than a bug and cry like a baby which is : ALLAH ❤ the protection of Allah is an unbreakable sheild against shaiytan!
When you remember Allah, this fight against shaiytan and trials becomes easier and you gain strength! You taste the sweetness of faith ..
The prophet pbuh said that the magic of this dunya (it's attractiveness) is more dangerous than the magic of harut and marut! This dunya beautify herself in order to attract us and make us forget about death and hereafter and this is why the prophet pbuh told us to daily remember death to not be tempted by dunya and to not forget our goal and purpose and why we were sent for...
How to arm ourself and not forget our purpose and let the army of shaiytan tempt us? *
1-say the morning and evening athkar for protection.
2- listen to Islamic lectures daily and remember death and hereafter. *
3-read at least 2 pages from the holy Quran to remember our goal.
4- stay away from music and anything that distract you from remembering Allah and make you unfocused in prayer.
5- busy yourself with tasbih and dikr to not let shaiytan whisper to you.
6- read stories of the prophets it will make your imaan higher in Shaa Allah *
My dear brothers and sisters, this life is a test and everything inside dunya is a test for us so let us not be among those who will say on judgement day :"Oh how I wish I was dust! ".. Wallahi all of this will be only regrets on judgement day and once you will see the angel of death standing in front you, you will hate yourself for giving even 1% importance to dunya and true reality will hit you! A reality that you were warned about 1400 years ago and once you will see jannah and what you were promised, you will see all of this as the lowest of the lowest and you will regret the time wasted...🙏 be strong it's only temporary!

I know it’s hard (part -1)

Part 1: My dear brothers and sisters ,I know it's hard to remain on the right path when the army of shaiytan and dajjal work day an night on misguiding us.. *
I know how difficult it is to avoid Fitna when we are surrounded by Hollywood and Bollywood and K-pop and celebrities that attract us with their lifestyles and looks etc, trust me there was no one who was more a lover of K-pop than me! You think that there is no harm in listening to their music until you find yourself dreaming to live their lifestyle and imitating them in the way you dress and the way you talk and you find your self suddenly repeating the lyrics of their music all the time.. *
While you pray your mind goes directly to them instead of thinking of Allah and your grave! Without realising it you disrespect your creator by giving more importance to his creation than to him! *
When you go to the mall sister your eyes go directly to that short skirt you saw Ariana Grande wearing and that jean That you saw a K-pop star wearing suddenly hating your hijab and wanting to be sexy like these idols until modesty leaves your heart step by step dragging your imaan with it and inviting shaiytan to your heart with open doors.. .
You read the holy Quran quickly and with burden rushing so you can listen to the latest song of BTS and watch another good movie! Until the fear of Allah and the love of him start to get removed from your heart step by step... *
Shaiytan knows our weakness and he use it against us, he knows he cannot force us to sin but he make the sin appear attractive to us until we become his slaves without even knowing how we got there in the first place! *
There's a reason music is haram dear ummah Of tawheed! All the celebrities you see here are nothing but servants of shaiytan send you messages from him through their music videos and their style etc they invite you to join the side of shaiytan and hellfire...did you even know that black magic is used on lyrics?if you reverse some songs of stars like Rhianna you will find the true message such as :"Satan is my lord" or "don't fight and come"! And they know that the only way to attract you is by targeting your weak point... Part 2👉

famous story of a French revert niqabi

This is a famous story of a French revert niqabi that happened few years ago in paris:
One day, the revert niqabi was in supermarket buying her groceries and there was a Muslim girl who worked as cashier there, it was obvious that she was from Arab background and she wore very short skirt, full of make up with black long hair, looking with hatred at the niqabi the moment she entered the supermarket...
Once it was the turn of the revert niqabi to pay, she started to put her items one by one and she noticed the Muslim Arab girl looking at her in a mean way but didn't give to it any importance until finally the Arab girl spoke and said :"you and people like you are the reason life is hard here for us! We emigrated and came to France to work and not to practice religion so if you want to wear this then go back to your country and wear it!"
The revert sister stopped what she was doing and removed her niqab...the Arab girl's mouth dropped open! She was a blond with blue eyes! And the niqabi replied:" I am French and Muslim and France is my home" and then she added :"you born muslims sold your religion to us and we brought it from you! "
And she left...
Subhan Allah, this is a fact we are seeing all the time! Born muslims have become ashamed of their religion and ashamed of practicing it and found it modern and cool to imitate the non muslims in everything! Their lifestyles,their way of dressing and thinking etc! They feel ashamed to pray in public and sisters feel ashamed to wear hijab fearing public opinion and In most of the cases out of love for western clothes and fashion! What have we become? *
Wallahi sometimes I feel ashamed when I think of the prophet pbuh 😢 how would he feel If he saw his ummah ashamed of the religion he sacrificed everything for it to be passed to us and to save us from falsehood and misguidance! Is this how we thank him? Imagine Allah knowing that in your heart you feel ashamed of Islam!! *
Umar r.a said:"I fear the day the disbelievers will be proud of their falsehood and the believers will be ashamed of the truth"!! Bear in mind that the man who said that is a revert!! How truthful was he?may Allah guide us..

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Story of the nabi Nuh (as) part 6

And nuh as said :
Holy Quran 71:26
وَقَالَ نُوحٌ رَّبِّ لَا تَذَرْ عَلَى الْأَرْضِ مِنَ الْكَافِرِينَ دَيَّارًا

And Noah said, "My Lord, do not leave upon the earth from among the disbelievers an inhabitant.
Now why nuh as made this dua? *
OK first, state that nuh as had been too patient for very long years that none of us are able to bear (but prophets can bear it they are not like us)...but that's not the reason why he made his Dua ..
The reason why nuh as made this dua against his people was to SAVE US! Yes to save the future generations to come and he stated it in his dua he said :
Holy Quran 71:27
إِنَّكَ إِن تَذَرْهُمْ يُضِلُّوا عِبَادَكَ وَلَا يَلِدُوا إِلَّا فَاجِرًا كَفَّارًا

Indeed, if You leave them, they will mislead Your servants and not beget except [every] wicked one and [confirmed] disbeliever.
He knew that if his peoole were left on earth and not destroyed they would give birth to other generations who would be worst then them and they would misguide all the new generations to come and no one would be on the true religion and earth would be corrupted can you imagine the state of the world if the nation of nuh were not destroyed? Even without them it's corrupted!!
NUh as had mercy on us and he used his dua to save the world and of course Allah accepted his dua because it was time for their destruction he knew that even if another 500 years passed no one would believe! He knows the future...
Allah swt said :"very well" ,the Dawah was over no one will believe so Allah revealed to prophet nuh as to build an ARK! A giant ark in the middle of the desert...okkk now If Allah asked you to build an ark while you live in the desert you would question or think :"wait a minute what?! An ark in the desert?" but nuh as didn't question or even asked why, he just obeyed and trusted Allah 💟 look at their high imaan subhan Allah!
Angel jibreel as descended on earth and helped prophet nuh as building the ARK and it is said that it took him 80 years to build it..
Whenever people passed and saw nuh as building a giant ship in the middle of the desert they would mock him..part 7👉

Story of the nabi nuh (as)

Nuh as had hope when the disbelievers from the chiefs and elite accepted to listen to him but his hopes were gone when he realized that these people had no intention in believing ,they were only trying to throw away the weak ones among those who believed and the reason why they refused to believe was that : the truth would make them equal to the poor and weak, they didn't want equality and justice they were too arrogant and wanted power nothing more, and the idol worship was business that gave them power over the poor...
They said :
Holy Quran 26:111
۞ قَالُوا أَنُؤْمِنُ لَكَ وَاتَّبَعَكَ الْأَرْذَلُونَ

They said, "Should we believe you while you are followed by the lowest [class of people]?"
Holy Quran 26:114
وَمَا أَنَا بِطَارِدِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ

And I am not one to drive away the believers.
Nuh as replied to the chiefs and elite :"why would I throw away the weak and poor? I am just a messenger to you all nothing more!' meaning :"are you insane?!" ,because these disbelievers considered themselves the highest class of society...
The chiefs and elite got mad and threatened nuh as and said:

Holy Quran 26:116
قَالُوا لَئِن لَّمْ تَنتَهِ يَا نُوحُ لَتَكُونَنَّ مِنَ الْمَرْجُومِينَ

They said, "If you do not desist, O Noah, you will surely be of those who are stoned."
After threatening him they left and the believers among the poor were opressed by the disbelievers and humiliated...
950 years passed and nothing changed! Things became even worst because these Same disbelievers had children and grans children who were just like them and hurting prophet nuh as who was at the age of their grand father!! And the disbelievers grew in number while no new believer joined nuh as...he knew things wouldn't change and the few believers complained to him on how they can't bear this obsession anymore so nuh as took his decision and went somewhere to be alone...
Each prophet is granted an accepted dua by Allah and nuh as looked to the sky and raised his hands and made his famous dua against his people...part 6👉

Monday, January 28, 2019

Story of the NUH (AS) part 4

The years passed and new generations came while prophet nuh as was still preaching islam and continuing his Dawah but without success, when one hundred years passed one person believed in his message and when another one hundred year passed another person believed, until 950 and fifty years passed!!! This is why nuh as is called the patient prophet because he made Dawah and was opressed by his nation for 950 years!! It's not the duration of his life no! It's the years of his prophethood!!! Imagine yourself calling a whole nation not just your city or your country but a whole nation to Islam for hundreds years receiving abuse and hate and mockeries in response by everyone!! How patient will you remain? Subhan Allah if we do dawah for just one person for just an hour and she get arrogant We get angry and give up! Imagine doing Dawah for almost 1000 years to the whole world!!
It is said that during these 950 years only 80 people believed! Just 80 people from a whole nation! And these people were from the category of poor and they were despised from the elite and chiefs...looked at as the "weak ones" they were simple farmers without education but Allah mentioned them and called them "the educated ones" ,indeed despite their weak statue they didn't hesitate to believe and their intelligent minds reconized the truth with just one proof but the disbelievers on contrary despite their High statues and power and money they werent intelligent, their minds refused to accept the truth despite the millions of evidences they asked for! See? The power and money aren't a proof of having intelligence this is why Allah say in the holy Quran :"those of intelligence/يا ألو الالباب" because his holy book only the intelligent ones are able to understand and ponder upon it... *
The elite and chiefs were giving hard time to prophet nuh as and the believers, they threatened him and kept mocking him and they even spread rumors that he was not on his right mind and called him "a mad man"! Until one day they went to him and said :"Ok nuh we accept to listen to you but on one condition : you throw these weak people out they aren't of our level they are weak"..part 5👉

Story of the Nuh (AS)

Nuh as went to his people calling them to the truth knocking on their doors and going to their gatherings and kept doing Dawah everyday and every night! Giving them glad tidings of jannah and succes if they believe and warning them of eternal loss and punishment if they turn their backs and disbelieve, but sadly no one believed in his message and they started to threaten him if he did not stop his Dawah and stoned him and mocked him in the worst ways! Making fun of him and calling him a mad man😞
Holy Quran 71:5
قَالَ رَبِّ إِنِّي دَعَوْتُ قَوْمِي لَيْلًا وَنَهَارًا

He said, "My Lord, indeed I invited my people [to truth] night and day.
Holy Quran 71:6
فَلَمْ يَزِدْهُمْ دُعَائِي إِلَّا فِرَارًا

But my invitation increased them not except in flight.
Holy Quran 71:7
وَإِنِّي كُلَّمَا دَعَوْتُهُمْ لِتَغْفِرَ لَهُمْ جَعَلُوا أَصَابِعَهُمْ فِي آذَانِهِمْ وَاسْتَغْشَوْا ثِيَابَهُمْ وَأَصَرُّوا وَاسْتَكْبَرُوا اسْتِكْبَارًا

And indeed, every time I invited them that You may forgive them, they put their fingers in their ears, covered themselves with their garments, persisted, and were arrogant with [great] arrogance.
Nuh as complained to Allah on the response of his nation, sad at their reaction...whenever he made Dawah to them they would put their fingers in their ears and act as if he wasn't talking in attempt to mock him! They got arrogant and refused to even listen...
They didn't understand why Allah would send a poor and simple man as a prophet and not a rich and famous one! And they found another excuse saying to nuh as :"why didn't Allah sent an angel to us? You are a simple human like us go away or you will be stoned!"
They always found excuses and the elites and the chiefs of the tribes got very arrogant thinking they were from the high class of society and to them believing in the message of a prophet who was simple and poor was not acceptable so they simply didn't want to believe....and whenever nuh as responded to all their difficult questions they got frustrated with him and threatened him many times...
The years passed and the generations came..part 4👉

Specially for women 18+

Oh My dear sisters in Islam whom I love for the sake of Allah and whom I want them to be in jannah and enjoy the eternal life of pleasures and happiness there I have a message for you :
Dress for jannah and not for this fading dunya : do not put eternity in jannah at risk for a piece of cloth in exchange! Do not exchange jannah for fashion...
When you are about to go out dress to please Allah and his prophet and not the creation: before leaving the house look at yourself in the mirror and ask your self :" am I covered properly?does this please Allah?" for remember:"whoever give up on something for the sake of Allah, he will replace it to him with way better ❤
What If today was your last day on earth? What If your time came and you are living your last minutes?: always remember death sister! Any moment could be your last so ask your self in which state you want to meet Allah? In state of obedience or disobidience? What will you say to the angel of death :"no please give me just one minute to put a hijab I'm not ready!" or "I am ready I can't wait to meet Allah"??..
Impress Allah and not his creation: you love to hear people and especially guys complimenting you on your beauty and your beautiful hair and dress but imagine instead the angels talking about you complimenting you for obeying Allah saying between them:" do you know such daughter of such? She is a righteous servant of Allah and she wear the correct hijab is a time where it's very hard! She is from the ghuraba I can't wait to meet her! "😢 imagine the angels craving to meet you and knowing you! Not only that imagine Allah impressed saying :"My servant she has obey me although it's hard! She gave up on her desires for my sake! How strong she is! " imagine Allah himself smiling at you from above proud of you!!! Wallahi no compliment from the creation is worth sacrificing this high statue in the heavens!!
My sister, I know it's hard to stick to the correct hijab but I know that you are strong, you are the future miss jannah not miss fading dunya! You are not the princess of the lowest you are the princess of the highest! 😍 you will be this beauty singing near the rivers of jannah so hold on 💕

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Tit for Tat

It is a law of nature that whatever action we take in this world, there is always a reaction. If we do good, we stand to gain a good reward. If we do bad, we should expect a bad outcome ultimately. "What you sow, so you reap" is a popular saying.

The Holy Qur'an has also guided us on this subject. It says:

If you do good, you do good to yourselves. (likewise)

If you do evil, you do evil to yourselves.

(Qur'an: Chapter 17, Verse 7)

One of the companions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S) was very fond of this verse of the Qur'an. He used to recite it loudly and repeatedly wherever he went.

A Jewish woman who had heard him once wanted to prove him wrong and thus make him unpopular among his people. She thought up a plot against him.

She prepared some sweets mixed with poison and sent them to him as a present. When he received them, he went out of the city with them. On the way, he met two men who were returning home from a long journey. They appeared tired and hungry, so he thought of doing them a good turn. He offered them the sweets. Of course, he was not aware that they were secretly mixed with poison. No sooner had the two travellers taken the sweets, they collapsed and died.

When the news of their death reached Medina, the city where the Prophet resided, the man was arrested. He was brought in front of the Prophet and he related what had actually happened. The Jewish woman who had mixed poison with the sweets was also brought to the court of the Prophet. She was stunned to see the two dead bodies of the travellers there. They in fact turned out to be her own two sons who had gone away on a journey.

She admitted her evil intention before the Prophet and all the people present. Alas, the poison she had mixed in the sweets to kill the companion of the Prophet had instead killed her own two sons.

What a splendid example of a tragic reaction to a bad action. It shows how one reaps what he sows.

"Do as you would be done by" are words of wisdom from the learned and wise men of the past. They teach us to do good to others in the same way as we like others to do good to us.

A call to prayers on wintery morny

It was a wintry morning with much snow falling coupled with the blowing of a strong cold wind. It was not easy to come out in the open air. Yet one could see people rushing to their work and students with books in their hands hastening to their schools.

In one of the mosques in Hamadan - Iran, religious students were assembling in order to attend a morning class. It was an important school of Islamic theology and the tutor was also a very great learned one. His discourses were indeed very thought-provoking and so were his students quite intelligent.

The tutor was none else but the world famous and a great Persian thinker and philosopher 'lbn Sina', popularly known in Europe as Avicenna. His lectures and writings on various science subjects had become the standard text books for hundreds of years in the universities of Europe. Students admired his deep philosophical thinking. They felt honoured to sit in his class and hear his inspiring lectures.

That cold morning, students had already assembled in the mosque and were still anxiously awaiting the arrival of their learned tutor. They were wondering if the intense cold weather that day had delayed his coming.

A few minutes had passed when suddenly the students witnessed the graceful arrival of 'lbn Sina', their great learned tutor. They felt very happy and stood up as a mark of reverence and respect for him. He sat down at his usual place and exchanged greetings with his students. He commenced his discourse in his usual lucid manner that held his students spellbound. He also gave satisfactory answers to their questions.

Among the students was one very young and enthusiastic by name 'Bahman Yar'. He was much more close and attached to 'lbn Sina' the learned tutor. He was also the foremost among the clever and advanced students of the class. Every time he listened to the lectures of his tutor, he became more and more fascinated with his deep philosophy and knowledge on every subject. He would say to his class-mates: "I wonder why our tutor 'lbn Sina' does not claim to be a prophet despite his supreme intelligence and magic personality"

It is said that one day by chance 'lbn Sina' was standing at a baker and loaf-seller shop. His attention was drawn to a very smart young boy who was displaying signs of much intelligence. The boy was saying to the baker: "My mother is requesting for a little fire." The baker responded: "Have you brought any pot to carry the fire?" "No! But I know how to carry it", replied the boy instantly. So saying he applied some ash over his palm and stretched his hand to the baker who placed a piece of burning firewood over his palm. Without any hesitation, the boy took it and went home.

'lbn Sina' was rather amazed to see the intelligence and courage of this boy. He thought of having him for special training and education under his personal care. The proposal was communicated to the parents who agreed and entrusted the boy to his full care. Thus 'Bahman Yar' since then was staying at no other place except at the house of his tutor and care-taker, 'lbn Sina'. They were all the time to be seen together. The boy being highly intelligent derived the best of the knowledge that his tutor could impart.

Years passed and 'Bahman Yar' grew up not only in age but also in knowledge and understanding under the patronage of his tutor. The learned tutor was also very proud of this most capable student.

It was one of the coldest nights of the wintry season. Midnight had passed and the snow-falling was very heavy. Both 'lbn Sina' and 'Bahman Yar' were sleeping in one room under warm thick blankets. The light in the room was already extinguished but the student was still asking intricate questions on some deep subjects. The tutor was replying in his usual impressive manner. Fascinated by the supreme knowledge and deep philosophy of his tutor, he again made the suggestion which he had made before:

"Oh my learned tutor!" he pleaded, "with all this high status of knowledge that you enjoy and being master of all the sciences, why not declare yourself a prophet? Sir! Don't you think that you even excel some of the previous prophets in knowledge and your status today is unparalleled in the world! Should you decide to claim prophethood, no one would dare challenge you. Let me assure you that I shall be the first to offer my allegiance and would serve you with full faith."

Since 'Bahman Yar' was still young and immature, his above proposal to his tutor was rather emotional than logical. 'lbn Sina' smiled but did not give any reply.

That night the cold weather had become extreme and there was heavy snow-falling. Both were already fast asleep. It was past midnight and suddenly 'lbn Sina' woke up and raised his head out of the warm blanket. Incidentally he was very thirsty and the water-mug in the room was empty. So he decided to wake up his student to go out and bring him some water.

"Oh 'Bahman Yar'! My son 'Bahman Yar'! Please wake up and bring me some drinking water from outside", he said repeatedly.

"Why is there no water in the water-mug near your goodself, Sir?" asked 'Bahman Yar.'

"No!" replied 'lbn Sina.'

'Bahman Yar' raised his head and saw heavy snowfall outside. The thrilling sound of the strong cold wind also made him nervous to go out. Again 'lbn Sina' grumbled:

"Oh 'Bahman Yar'! Why the delay? Bring me some water, I am too thristy."

'Bahman Yar' dared not come out of the warm blankets to face the cold weather outside the room. He was, therefore, putting forward lame excuses to his tutor.

"Oh my respected tutor! It is harmful for you to drink water now that you have just come out of the warmth of thick blankets. It is better you go to sleep again till the early morning which is not far off", said 'Bahman Yar'.

"My son! Bring me water, I am too thirsty. I myself am a medical expert and know better what is harmful than you do. I am unable to sleep, please bring me some water from outside", again appealed 'Ibn Sina'

In response 'Bahman Yar' again put forward excuses and argued that he would catch cold and fall sick if he were to go out in that extreme cold weather. So saying he went back to sleep.

There was dead silence everywhere and no sound of anything was to be heard. Outside it was still pitch dark except the first light of Subhe Sadiq (true dawn) in the eastern horizon had commenced to appear. Suddenly the silence broke with a melodious voice of a muezzin - caller to prayer from the top of a minaret at the nearby mosque. After reciting some verses of the, Holy Qur'an, the muezzin in a loud voice said, "Allaho Akber" - Allah is the Greatest. "Ash-hado an la ilaha illallah" - I bear witness that there is no god except Allah.

Both the tutor and his student quietly listened to the melodious voice of the muezzin. The call to prayers then proceeded to the words "Ash-hado anna Muhammadan Rasoolullah" - I bear witness that Muhammed is the Messenger of Allah. On hearing this, 'Ibn Sina' thought of taking the opportunity of responding to the repeated proposal made to him by 'Bahman Yar'. He said:

"Listen to me, oh my son 'Bahman Yar'. Now I wish to reply to your repeated suggestion". The student sat up to hear attentively of what his learned tutor abruptly wanted to say. 'Ibn Sina' then proceeded:

"You have been suggesting to me several times to claim prophethood, that people would put full faith in me and that you would be the first one to do so. Now look, you have been my close student for several years and benefited from me a great deal, yet you did not think it prudent to obey me by coming out of your warm bed for a moment and bring me water that I badly needed to quench my thirst. Instead you chose to put forward lame excuses."

"But think of this man who is now calling to prayers at the top of the minaret after coming out in the coldest weather and making ablution with cold water in the early hour of this morning. It is for no other purpose but in obedience to and respect for the command of Allah as conveyed by His apostle Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (S) some four hundred years ago.

"What a great difference there is between me and that Prophet sent by Allah!"

For the sake of Allah only

During the time of Prophet Musa, there was a pious man, who used to pray day and night on the roof of his house. One day some people came and told him that there was a garden where a tree was being worshipped by a group of people. On hearing this the pious man picked up an axe and went to that tree with the intention of cutting and uprooting it altogether.

Satan (the Devil) came to him in the form of an old man and asked: "What are you aiming to do?" The pious man explained what was happening and his intention to cut the tree. Satan said: "What have you to do with it? If God wished the tree to be cut, he would have sent his Prophet to do it."

The pious man did not listen. The two went on arguing and quarrelling till they came to blows. He managed to knock the Satan down on the floor and sat on him, aiming at cutting his throat. The Satan begged him for pardon and release saying, "Let me suggest you one thing which would help you in this world as well as in the next world. I shall pay you two dinars everyday. You can pay partly to the poor and partly spend for your own self. Leave this tree uncut till God commanded whether it was right or wrong to cut it."

The pious man was misled by the Satan. He thought the suggestion was right and returned home. On the second day, he saw two dinars under his pillow. He was delighted with the money and spent some after the poor. But on the following day, he did not see the money again as expected, so he again took over his axe and came at that tree.

Again Satan told him in the form of an old man and asked him, "What do you want to do?" He said, "I want to cut that tree." Satan told him that he had no power to do it so it was better he went back home. He did not agree and again they fought. This time the Satan succeeded in overpowering the pious man and knocked him down on the floor.

The pious man was surprised at this and asked Satan why it so happened that he could not overpower him this time. The Satan replied: "Whoever does a good deed purely for the pleasure of God, no one can face him but if he does it with an aim of worldly gain, then he loses strength and stands to fail."

Why did the pious man win on the first day and lose on the second in his fight against the Satan? Because his first intention to cut the tree, was to please God and nothing else. But the second day, his good intention had changed and it had become for the sake of money. So the God given spiritual strength which he had on the first day had then disappeared and so he lost.

During the time of Prophet Muhammad (S), his enemies - ten thousand strongmen, once planned to attack him. The Muslims were then but very few. Having received the secret news of what was about to happen, the Muslims dug a very wide ditch around them for their defence so that the enemy may not attack them all of a sudden.

From the enemy side, a warrior by name 'Amr Bin Abd-e-wadd' who was very famous for his strength, courage and art of fighting, landed in the midst of these Muslims by jumping over the ditch! The Muslims lacked the courage to face him. Only the lion of Allah, Imam Ali (a) came forward to challenge the intruder!

Both drew their swords and were soon locked in a fierce duel to death against each other. At last, Allah bestowed victory to Imam Ali (a) who threw Amr down on the ground and mounted on his chest ready to kill the arch-enemy of Islam, but before Imam Ali (a) could do this, Amr spat in the face of our Imam.

Everybody around was certain that as a result of this insult, Amr would meet his death even faster still. But instead Imam Ali (a) moved from Amr's chest and walked away! People around were too surprised to see why he left loose such a dangerous enemy after overpowering him. Amr attacked again and after a short while, Imam Ali (a) again got control over him and this time he killed the enemy of Islam.

After the battle was over, people asked Imam Ali (a) about the reason why he had spared Amr's life when he first got control over him Imam Ali (a) replied, "I wanted to kill him for the sake of Allah only. He spat on me and thus made me angry. Had I killed him at that moment, it would not have been for the sake of Allah only. It would have also been for the satisfaction of my anger. So I let him free. When I controlled my anger, I killed him purely for the sake of Allah.'

This is how the Ahlul Bait - people of the household of our Holy Prophet. have set examples of sincere intention. Before any action we take, we must be clear in our minds that the action is in accordance with the commands of Allah. That, it is for his sake and pleasure alone.

To keep away from insincere and impure intentions is indeed difficult but not impossible. This can be done by constant thinking and true understanding of the aim of our life. We have to understand what Allah really wants from us.

Story of the Prophet NUH AS (part 2)

Part 2:
The years passed and new generations came until no one knew anymore why their forefathers made these statues at the first place! And this is where shaiytan came to the new generations and said :"oh you listen to me! Your forefathers they were worshipping these idols it's your gods so prostrate to these idols" and this new generation prostrated to the idols and this is how shirk was created and introduced spread on earth...
The new generation went far astray worshipping other than Allah who created them and thanking other than Allah who providing for them disrespecting him directly! and took a false religion and started worshipping these 5 idols until no one was saying :"LA ilaha illa Allah/ there is no god but Allah" except ONE man! Who was none other than NUH Alayhi salam ❤
Nuh as was the only muslim on earth while everyone was a mushrik( polytheist), he saw how his nation was astray and it made him so sad! He was no among the rich and elite famous chiefs of his nation, he was a simple man and poor without wealth or fame yet Allah chose him among all his nation to be their prophet and deliver the message of Islam to them...[Surah nuh/chapter Noah holy Quran].
Holy Quran 71:1
إِنَّا أَرْسَلْنَا نُوحًا إِلَىٰ قَوْمِهِ أَنْ أَنذِرْ قَوْمَكَ مِن قَبْلِ أَن يَأْتِيَهُمْ عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ

Indeed, We sent Noah to his people, [saying], "Warn your people before there comes to them a painful punishment."
Holy Quran 71:2
قَالَ يَا قَوْمِ إِنِّي لَكُمْ نَذِيرٌ مُّبِينٌ

He said, "O my people, indeed I am to you a clear warner,
Holy Quran 71:3
أَنِ اعْبُدُوا اللَّهَ وَاتَّقُوهُ وَأَطِيعُونِ [Saying], 'Worship Allah, fear Him and obey me.
Holy Quran 71:4
يَغْفِرْ لَكُم مِّن ذُنُوبِكُمْ وَيُؤَخِّرْكُمْ إِلَىٰ أَجَلٍ مُّسَمًّى ۚ إِنَّ أَجَلَ اللَّهِ إِذَا جَاءَ لَا يُؤَخَّرُ ۖ لَوْ كُنتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ
Allah will forgive you of your sins and delay you for a specified term. Indeed, the time [set by] Allah, when it comes, will not be delayed, if you only knew.' "....part 3👉

The story of PROPHET NUH/nuah A.s

Part 1:
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم و الصلاة و السلام على من لا نبي بعده *
Many of you cracked the dm requesting me to count the prophets stories and complaining how you missed these stories I used to post so here I am today counting you my dear brothers and sisters the story of the first prophet sent to the first nation that walked earth before us with is none other than prophet nuh Alayhi salam! So now I want you to enter with me through the portal of time and go back with me when it all started...
After the death of prophet idris as, the inhabitants of earth were still on the right religion worshipping Allah, even through shaiytan made them commit sins and introduced music and adultery to humans he could not make them associate a partner to Allah it was too fresh no one would fall for it not even Qabil and his tribe but now things had changed and shaiytan had new plans it was time to get to the higher level :introduce idol worship and shirk on earth...
There was 5 good pious Men who lived at that time and were well respected by everyone and loved, they used to remind people to do good and remain on the right path and Allah mentioned their names in the holy Quran chapter nuh : wadan, suwa'an, yaghout, yaouk and nasr... They were faithful servants of Allah but one day their time to leave earth came and they died...
People were so devastated by their loss, sad and crying their departure and shaiytan choose the right moment to fulfil his plans so he took a human form and came to that people and said :" how sad! They were such good men! Now that they left who will remind you to do good? "and he continued with his speech saying:"oh I have a good idea! Just make some statues of these men so whenever you see these statues it will remind you to do good and you will get closer to Allah!good idea no? "...
People at that time saw nothing wrong with that so they made 5 statues representing these 5men and each time they saw these statues they did good deeds while worshipping Allah alone of course and the years passed and the new generations while shaiytan was very patient knowing to what all of this would lead...part 2👉

Happy republic day

Monday, January 21, 2019

Hitting the wife in Islam: part 2

The ulama says that a woman can be hit only with using a siwak,yes a siwak this small little thing in the picture .
Ata' said: I said to Ibn 'Abbaas, what is the kind of hitting that is not harsh? He said, Hitting with a siwaak.
We need to remember also that we Muslim follow the example of our prophet Mohammed salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam,and he never hit anyone in his entire life: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, never struck anything with his hand, neither a servant nor a woman, unless he was fighting in the path of Allah. Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2328
You are thinking yes because his wives never did something really big ,you are wrong one of his wives was accused of adultery unjustly and he didn't know if it was true or not and still didn't do anything,wasn't the perfect time to do something violent?
The prophet was also the best example to his wives: The most complete of the believers in faith are those with the most excellent character, and the best of you are the best in behavior to their women. Sunan al-Tirmidhī 1162, Grade: Sahih
So technically Islam is teaching us how to control and deal with our anger cause how many men kill their wives nowadays for stupid things?
A small joke that brother Hamza used to say in his dawah is that Quran order us to not hit the wife (cause siwak doesn't do anything) but Allah never mentioned to not hit the husband 😄🙈
Islam didn't come to oppressed women but to defend them and honor them .
(Even if it permissible for discipline, it is still better to avoid it.
 Sharḥ al-Nawawī 'alá Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2328
How does one of you strike his wife as he beats the stallion camel and then embrace her?
Saḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 5695, Grade: Sahih
At the end everything I mentioned wasn't from my head but if you look and search you will find it yourself bi idni Allah 🖤