A rich and timid young man gets married, for the sake of the cause, with a girl from a good family.
The day goes well and the buffet is a success. Finally, arrive the wedding night, atrocious moment of truth for a young first.
The next day, the bride goes to see her mother, crying.
- Mom, it's horrible. He is bad. He knows nothing, and I could help him, show him, he did not do anything to me.
- Wait darling, I'll take care of it right now, says the mother who has already seen green and not mature.
She goes to see her son-in-law: - So it seems that this night was far from extraordinary … Do not worry, just think that the man is actually an animal, no more evolved than dogs . You've seen dogs, have not you?
- Uh, yes, ma'am!
- Well, just do like them, understood?
- Yes, Madam
- Satisfied, the beautiful mother returns to see her daughter. The next day, the girl goes to see her mother, crying harder than the day before.
- I do not know what you told him but he's more stupid than yesterday.
- Oh! yet I thought …
- But everything had started well. He undressed me and he got n@ked.
But then, he smelled my a$$, and he went to pee on the cabinet!
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