Wednesday, July 1, 2020

talking with #nonmahram is #haram

Fear Allaah, and do not speak to non-mahram men. This is safer for your religious commitment and purer for your heart. You should note that marriage to a righteous man is a blessing from Allaah, and a blessing cannot be acquired by means of sin⁣

If you've a necessary to talk with non Mahram men ; Follow the guidelines below :⁣

•Avoiding joking and laughing; that is not part of etiquette and dignity. ⁣

•Avoiding staring and always trying hard to lower the gaze as much as possible; if there is a quick glance for the purpose of speaking, there is nothing wrong with that, in sha Allah. ⁣

•Not softening the voice, by either party, or choosing soft words; rather they should speak is the same, ordinary tone of voice as they would speak to anyone else. Allah, may He be exalted, says, addressing the Mothers of the Believers (interpretation of the meaning): "then be not soft in speech, lest he in whose heart is a disease (of hypocrisy, or evil desire for adultery, etc.) should be moved with desire, but speak in an honourable manner" [al-Ahzaab 33:32]. ⁣

•Avoiding the use of any words that may have some suggestive meanings, and so on. ⁣

•Not going to extremes in embellishing one's speech . Some people use their skills in communication with others by movements of the hand or face or by quoting poetry or proverbs or romantic phrases. This is a means that the Shaytaan uses to open the door to haraam attraction between the sexes.⁣
#chatting & #talking with #nonmahram is #haram

#copied from insta

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