Saturday, May 16, 2020

Tips for Headaches While Fasting

👇đŸŧTips for Headaches While Fasting:
🔹Avoid too much salt.
🔹Take a nap, if you can.
🔹Get enough sleep at night.
🔹Eat hydrating foods at suhoor.
🔹Eat black seed in the morning.
🔹Listen to Qurʞān (eyes closed).
🔹If you can, stay out of the heat.
🔹Avoid too much sugar (not fruit sugar).
🔹Take an ibuprofen/aspirin in the morning.
🔹Eat 2 handfuls of almonds in the morning.
🔹Avoid your phone screen, TV and computer.
🔹Get a high quality fat at suhoor (olive oil, avocado).
🔹Drink plenty of water in the morning (1-2 full glasses).
🔹If you can, avoid excess energy expenditure during the day.
🔹Make dhikr with your eyes closed in a dark room (or duĘŋāʞ).
🔹Drink plenty of water at night (6-7 glasses throughout the night).
🔹If it's caffeine withdrawal, give it 3-4 days to clear your system.
🔹Avoid really smelly things (putting on a lot of perfume, being around smoke).
🔹Eat suhoor, and eat a decent breakfast!! Not just some fruit and jelly. A decent wholesome meal.
🔹In the future, give up caffeine before Ramaḍhān to avoid caffeine withdrawals (if it is caffeine withdrawal).
• If your headaches persist, consult your doctor. •
May Allāh īˇģ relieve your pain, and expiate your sins with it, ʾĀmeen. ♥️

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