Romantic Story of Indian Couple: Love Conquest
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Madan was in a sad mood when Priya joined him in the balcony. Priya asked mischievously if he had lost a fortune when his ship sank. Madan said “I was worried about some problems at work”. Priya was not just a good wife but she had always stayed a good friend since their marriage. So he explained the major politics happening at the highest level in office and how the morale of the team was low. Many of his colleagues were bitter and were planning to quit at the first opportunity they get. Madan explained that the very thought of going to office irritated him these days. Priya tried giving some suggestions but Madan was too negative to take any of them. He said “it is easier for you to suggest Priya. You should come to office and experience what we go through”. She smiled and said “let us hope things would improve. We cant do anything else. Let us sleep now”.
Madan moved slowly to the bedroom. He watched Priya entering the next bedroom. He called out “are you not joining me tonight dear?”. She replied “No. You are too negative today. I guess I need to be alone to get some good sleep”. He asked sadly “do you want to leave me alone tonight?”. She said “Not like that. I need to be alone dear. Sleep tight. Good night” and locked her room from inside. He feebly returned her greeting with a good night wish.
Madan was feeling miserable partly from his office worries and felt worse because he could not get his dear Priya to comfort him now. He could not get sleep. He walked out of his room and looked at the next bedroom door. He was wiser not to knock at the door. When she said something, she always meant it. Tonight, if she wanted to be alone, he dared not question it. He was a bit surprised that the window closer to that door was not properly closed. He tried opening the window and it opened. He knew that he could reach one of the door latches through the window but if she had put the second latch, the door cannot be opened from outside. He stretched his hand and tried opening the first latch. With difficulty, he opened it. Then he tried if the door was opening and it did. Good she had not remembered to put the second latch, he thought.
He slowly walked in. If she was aware of his presence in the room, she did not show it. Soon he moved closer to her. He hugged her sideways first and then slowly moved on top of her. Priya said in a surprised tone “how come you managed to find an entry?”. Madan said “I found a way out. To be precise, I found a way in”. Priya said “Madan. Please go away”. He said “No. I wont and I cant”.
Priya asked “my feelings don’t matter to you?”. Madan said “it is not like that. I only hope my feelings and desires matter to you”. Priya said “yes dear. It matters to me. You want me badly now?”.
“Yes Priya”.
“Then take me Madan. I am all yours”.
Their dresses took leave from them. With hunger in his eyes, Madan slowly united with his dear wife with love. In their state of oneness, they forgot everything else around them. What mattered to them was being with each other and being there for each other.
Their love making lasted for some more time and in the end they both were happily exhausted in a pleasant and satisfied manner.
After a while, she asked “Madan. Are you happy now?”. He said “I am mighty happy now. You saw how smartly I won finally. Are you happy too?”. She said “I am happy for you. I want you to be happy always”. Madan asked “You saying initially that you wanted to be alone and leaving the window open were all part of the plan to make me feel happy?”. Priya said “Yes it was my plan. Had you not known it, I would not have told you now also. Remember one thing Madan. Even if you have lost everything else, you can always win over me with your love”. Madan was nearly in tears when he said “I love you”. They both melted in each other’s arms for the next half an hour. Later, Madan said “we never value the good things that we have. We always worry about those things that we don’t have. You are the best thing in my life and why should I worry about anything else?”. Priya smiled and said “I just wish to be as good as you are. You are the best thing in my life too”.
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